
When it comes to ceilings, we do it all and then some.

We install ceilings to cover large unsightly overhead spaces, house and distribute lighting fixtures and conceal the HVAC, electric and mechanical services located overhead in all commercial, industrial, institutional and public buildings.

We handle all types…

Grid ceilings using acoustical tile—all brands and installation systems

Custom build-outs, framed and shaped to sculpture standards are our specialty—but clouds cost extra.

We handle all the details…

Our craftsmen take care of the details such as soffits, recessed lights, sky lights and uneven surfaces. We also install ceilings that meet the regulatory requirements of the food, health, pharmaceutical and computer industries.

Let’s talk

Contact us today and let us add value to your project – big or small. Our representatives are ready to answer any questions you might have.

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"I learned a lot at FundyPros. It was hard work, but I felt like I was learning something. I also learned stuff that I didn’t know how to do before. It was a pretty enjoyable experience."

Matthew Benner
Work Transition Program Student